Join the Week of Action for Safe Schools!

Mon. 1/18, 9AM - Pilsen Community Solidarity Walk
Start: Jungman School, 18th & Miller
End: Plaza Tenochtitlan, 18th & Blue Island
Tues. 1/19, 4PM - Organize a Car Caravan for Safe Schools with multiple schools in your community:
Little Village Car Caravan for Safe Schools
4PM Gather/ begin at 31st and Kedzie (park cars with hazards on along 31st street)
Wed. 1/20 - Organize a ‘Teach Out’ for Safe Schools , with school staff outside your school:
'Teach Out' & Educators, Parents and Community United, Press Conference at Gary ES, 3740 W. 31st. (Time TBD)
Thurs. 1/21 - Participate in Citywide High School Solidarity for Safe Schools Actions. Join the virtual planning meeting on 1/19 at 4:30PM. Email [email protected] for more information and meeting link.
Fri. 1/22, 5PM - Organize a Parent Community Virtual Meeting for Safe Schools with educators and school staff. Citywide Spanish Language Parent Meeting, registration and meeting link to come.

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  • Brian Barrett
    The slightly modified allusion to the Martin Niemoeller poem in this flyer is still an inappropriate comparison between teachers returning to in-person work during a pandemic and the horrors of the holocaust, namely being marched into gas chambers and the calculated extermination of a group of people. Please take it down once and for all.
  • Jackson Potter