Lois Weiner on the Dangers of Ed Tech Companies

Lois Weiner March 5 event promo. Event details are below.

CORE welcomes scholar, fellow unionist, and friend Lois Weiner to a critical discussion about the changing nature of education due to big tech and COVID-19.

We invite you to share your experiences and knowledge so that we can learn together about how and why capitalism has used the pandemic to push educational reforms that increase profits and privatization while hurting students, teaching, public education, and working people, especially the most oppressed. Lois Weiner will discuss her new research as the backdrop to a panel discussion. The panelists will be announced soon.

$10 Donation -
Online: www.coreteachers.org/donate
Venmo: @COREteachers

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81931015069

Facebook event

Relevant readings prior to panel discussion.

  1. Chapter 1 of Lois' new book at New Politics.
  2. In this Facebook Video, you can see a roundtable of activists discussing how their work relates to the Chapter 1.
  3. Pages 1, 2, 3 (at least) of this report:

March 05, 2022 at 1:00pm - 3pm
CORE Steering ·
David Steiber

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David Steiber

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  • David Steiber
  • Nate Goldbaum