President: Jesse Sharkey
Vice President: Stacy Davis Gates
Financial Secretary: Maria Moreno
Recording Secretary: Christel Williams
What we’ve won through struggle, strikes, and member driven campaigns
What we are fighting for to win in the near future and upcoming contract fight
- fought against and stopped school closings and turnarounds
- stopped charter growth
- led to the greatest density of charter unionization in the country
- established CPS' first maternity leave and short term disability program ever
- won the greatest TIF surplus for schools in Chicago's history
- restored the Pension levy to stabilize our retirement security
- led the first run-off in a Mayoral election ever
- Secured a funding formula that has finally put the district on the path for financial stability
- Restored $28 million in SPED funding and won an ISBE monitor over CPS
- Won rights to challenge discipline and vote down excessive tests for first time
- Secured class size limits for first time in 24 years
- Led first charter school strikes in US history
- Fight and win a contract campaign to establish class-size caps for all grade-levels, and increase the number of social workers, bilingual teachers and aids, SPED staff, nurses, librarians, TAs and counselors for our classrooms and full time for every school.
- Robust restorative justice coordinators and program for all schools
- All schools sustainable community schools
- bank sick days
- eliminate the charter commission at state level
- Fight to ensure that Chicago remains affordable, livable and responsive to racial and social justice goals for our students and their families.
- restore our 4.5 bargaining rights
- Elected School Board
- Open bargaining to include all members in the direct negotiations of our next CPS contract
- Pre-K for all
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